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Vermont Senate calls for impeachment of Bush, Cheney
By Shay Totten | Vermont Guardian
Posted April 20, 2007
Editor's Note: This story was updated at noon with comments from Senate Pres. Pro Tem Peter Shumlin.
MONTPELIER — The Vermont Senate this morning approved by a 16-9 margin a resolution calling on the U.S. House to launch impeachment proceedings of Pres. George W. Bush and Vice Pres. Dick Cheney.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger urged environmentalists to shed their past image as "serious tree huggers" and begin a new movement that doesn't make people feel guilty for driving their SUVs, but instead focuses on building more fuel-efficient SUVs.
From UVM's student newspaper, the Vermont Cynic...
The College Republicans club was derecognized by the Student Government Association (SGA) on Tuesday, after failing to repay year old debts.The group owed $6,548 from a $7,000 loan they took out in Oct. 2005. The loan was initially taken out in order to pay Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, to speak at UVM.
The Chairman of the House of Representatives' powerful Appropriations Committee has slammed President George W. Bush's threats to veto the war funding bill that House and Senate members are planning to work out in conference. Rep. Dave Obey (D-WI) insisted that the President stop "huffing and puffing" and find a compromise.And I might add stop pissing and moaning, whining and crying, and shucking and jiving. Now that spring is ostensibly here, can we please get Chimpy back on his bicycle. I hear the Beltway is quite scenic.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made a memorable visit to The O'Reilly Radio Factor today, heatedly debating with the show's host about Iraq.