No not that gulf. Lest I be accused of being too provincial, here is today's news from the Gulf of Oman. Check out this link to The Oil Drum.
A very rare tropical cyclone/hurricane is headed toward Oman points northwest. The storm is now being reported as a category five with waves 40 to 50 feet high. There is a tremendous amount of oil production and infrastructure in the area, along with the Straits of Hormuz. Much of the machinery etc. was not designed or built with storms such as this in mind.
There's a lot of information at the Oil Drum and a lot of well informed commenters. Go there.
That's a highly unusual event. But Al Gore is still fat.
Nice catch, Sorghum! Hurricanes in the Arabian Sea sounds weird, I had no idea they got them. Good to learn something new.
You know Exxon-Mobil executives can barely control their erections. $4 a gallon gas. It's coming.
Morse, yeah but he's really not that fat..., but he does have a really big house.
PINY, barely? They'll be tripping over them.
oh. THAT gulf. when i first read this, i thought you were referring to the gulf between the administration's politics and the rest of the world. for indeed, the storm between the two is at least a category five....
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