Can I help you? No, we don't sell pesto sausage, but we do have little weenies.

Mar 25, 2008

I can't take it ...

"the vice president said the biggest burden is carried by President George W. Bush"

The vice president is a delusional miscreant. I think he meant the biggest bunny is carried by the Resident.


Distributorcap said...

dont you wish this was the anti Harvey --- where the rabbit is the only one who sees the invisible president

Suzy said...

Although I would not want to offend either Jimmy Stewart, Harvey, or any pookas anywhere, it is a little like the play in that the main character is a delusional alcoholic.

Actually, this photo makes me want to barf.

Jess Wundrun said...

At least Clinton carried on with a real American girl.

A drunk and a furry fetish? And no one cares?

Wake me up when it's over.